Best of 2013

First of all, let me say thank you to my readers and supporters of my blog.  I truly enjoy creating and sharing allergy-free recipes with you!  After looking back over the year, I thought I would share with you my 'Top 5' recipes from 2013.

#1 - Coconut Crack Balls: This particular paleo-friendly recipe caused a spike like no other on my blog and was pinned over 1000 times. I don't know if it was the silly name or just the simple, yummy ingredients, but I was very thankful!

#2 - Chocolate Coconut Mousse/Ice Cream: I discovered this versatile recipe while experimenting with ingredients and techniques for dairy-free ice cream.  It can be enjoyed as a mousse or an ice cream. How cool is that?

#3 - 'Slap Yo' Mama' Caramel: Still another allergy-free paleo recipe.  Unlike most caramel recipes, this one requires no cooking and is refined sugar-free!

#4 - Healthy Dried Cranberries: Are we seeing a trend here?  The paleo community is very active in the blogging world!  Thanks to a particular paleo blogger who featured this recipe in her Thanksgiving recipe collection! 

#5 - Banana Bread Cinnamon Rolls: These vegan cinnamon rolls are a yummy combination of banana bread and cinnamon rolls.  They satisfy a number of cravings while using up your over-ripe bananas.

Once again, thank you all for your support.  Here's to a wonderful, delicious, allergy-free 2014!
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